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Lexinet Capabilities: Marketing Materials

We continue to push that communication is still key. Lexinet can help deliver your message through #marketing materials. These pieces could be the first impression of your business- an introductory direct mailing, a neighborhood canvas with door hangers, or a business card shared after the first hand shake. How your business is first perceived can set you apart. Using quality materials with relevant messaging to the right audience makes an effective first impression.

Lexinet offers the highest #quality, most affordable options for marketing #materials. The array of marketing products we offer are tangible marketing tools customers can hold in their hands, spend time with and take with them. Those are all things technology can’t do.

We will customize marketing materials to meet your specific needs. We print on demand, so we’re capable of any size of project. Our offerings span from custom calendars, flyers, yard signs, self-mailers and numerous other pieces. Some of the most widely used materials are door hangers, business cards and postcards.

Door Hangers are a highly affordable and effective way to reach specific neighborhoods or homes with your messaging. You get personal, focused attention on your piece. You’re reaching your potential #customer at their home, where they will touch and spend time with your messaging. It’s a leave behind that can spark immediate response.

There are different types of messaging to use on door hangers. Utilizing a new mover list, you can leave door hangers at homes of new residents welcoming them to the neighborhood and introducing your business for their future needs. Door hangers are also effective for #event marketing. You can share specific event details, dates and times to create buzz. If you’re a retail store reopening after shut downs, invite neighborhoods to come back in, see your new items and get them excited to get back out and shop with you.

Business cards can be a creative, quick way to make a strong first impression. While it's important that your business cards are cohesive with your overall branding, you can include unique details to make potential customers keep your business card around for future use. You're more likely to stand out and drive #recall when your business card tells your story in a short amount of time.

Direct Mail continues to be a successful marketing tactic. With a mailing you are able to target a large audience quickly and directly in their homes. Personalization for your mailings means you don't just add the recipient's name, but you can use specific messaging, location details, specials and more depending on different demographics. Is your business new? Send a mailing out to your area introducing yourself. Are you reopening after a shut down? Send a mailing out to invite your patrons back. Do you have a special offer you'd like to share? Send a mailing to a wider audience that will find that offer useful.

While these are just a few examples of marketing materials, our team is ready to help with options that will work for your business. We will do the design, compile a mailing list, print the materials and ship or mail them out. We do the entire process in-house, saving you time and money. We'll deliver your message. How can we help?

Contact us at 1-800-767-1577 or There's also a contact form here.

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