Ideas to encourage environmental action in the workplace.
The first Earth Day launched April 22, 1970. For the last 50 years we remind and share with each other that we need to take care of our planet on Earth Day. It seems overwhelming where to start on making a difference all year. We could start with making a difference in the workplace. What if every company helped inspire and encourage employees to make positives impacts every day, not just on Earth Day?
Here are simple ideas to implement at the workplace to lower your company’s carbon footprint:
Switch to energy saving light bulbs in offices, work spaces and conference rooms.
Ensure efficient insulation or weather stripping around your building to allow for lowering the thermostat in the winter and turning it up in the summer.
Make recycling easy for employees. Put up bins throughout the building to separate cardboard, plastic, paper, etc. Use a recycling company to pick up and remove items.
Encourage employees to not print emails, only file electronically.
Remind employees to shut off lights and computers, and unplug phone chargers when not in use.
Encourage carpooling.
Use energy-efficient appliances when possible.
Replace plastic cups, plates and utensils with reusable items.
Assess travel needs and replace with video or teleconferencing when possible.
Even small changes in the workplace can add up to making a big difference.
“Be the good you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi