You may have heard of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) before, but do you understand its meaning and importance? SEO is essential to the success of your business’s website. By executing a successful SEO plan you maximize the number of visitors to your web pages and appear near the top of search results pages. Here are 6 terms within SEO that need to be understood to maximize your website’s performance.
Alt Text- Alt Text is text that explains the content of an image on your web page.
Keyword- A Keyword is a word or phrase that explains the contents of a page within your site*. These need to be accurate in order to draw the most amount of users to your site.
Meta Description- A Meta Description is a full description that describes your page. Meta descriptions help increase click-through rates on your website, but are not effective on search rankings**.
SERP- SERP stands for search engine results pages. This is the results page that an internet user sees after they submit a search query.
Sitemap- A sitemap is a model or chart of the web pages on your site. They show search engines how to maneuver through your site.
Title Tag- A Title Tag is an HTML element that helps internet users and search engines know what each of your pages are about.
By understanding how to develop a quality SEO plan you set your company up to maximize website traffic. Master these terms to take your company website to the next level!